Common Pests
Bed Bugs
Facts About Bedbugs
They are small and vary from red to brownish color. They are the size of an apple seed and focus primarily on feeding on blood. They generally enjoy activity in evenings when the host is asleep and can live up to a year without a meal. Popular areas of dwelling involve mattresses, sheets, and furniture.
Unfortunately, bed bugs can dwell and survive in anywhere, especially indoors. Once they find a comfortable place, they will feed and replicate. It is important to continuously wash sheets and clear clutter in homes where they may live around.
Facts About Ants
Ants can enter through any small crack or crevice in search of water, sweets, or greasy food items.
Ants leave behind a chemical trace detectable to ants that lead to the food source.
They can colonize just about anywhere and can relocate quickly.
Ants can survive from seven to fifteen years.
Facts About Cockroaches
Cockroaches can measure up to two inches in length and have wings, but generally do not fly.
These roaches are considered pests and invade residences and feed on generally anything, including toothpaste, dirty dishes, etc.
They can enter through any crack or pipe opening. With plenty of food and warmth, they can be active all year long.
These nocturnal insects are active during the night. Therefore, if you notice any during the day, it means the roaches may have been pushed out through overcrowding. This is a clear indication of severe infestation.
Facts About Fleas
Adult fleas are about 2.5mm long and are commonly seen on furry animals, such as cats and dogs. They feed on blood from the host and leave fecal matter behind. Additionally, fleas do not carry the eggs on them, but lay them on the ground.
A good measure to keep fleas away from the home is to seal any cracks and holes around the house that may lure in fleas from rodents and other small creatures.
Once fleas hatch from the eggs, they will begin feeding on the host from 24-48 hours.
A clear indication of flea infestation is fecal matter left behind as pepper flakes. Another can be seen from pets constantly scratching the irritated skin.
A common way to tackle this problem is to groom your pets often, vacuum the floors for any larvae, and to call your specialist to treat your home.
It is especially pertinent to eliminate any flea infestation from your home as fleas and fecal matter may carry potential diseases.
Facts about Mice and Rats
Rats are suspicious to new environment changes and carry numerous potential diseases from ticks and fleas.
Mice enter homes in search of food, water, and warmth.
Rodents are known for huge front teeth, which are specialized in gnawing through things and cause damage to properties.
It is important to note that rodents do not hibernate during winter and breed quite frequently.
Rodents are capable of squeezing through any small crack or hole.
Food such as cereal, fruits, and vegetables should be stored away properly.
It is important to contact your specialist to eliminate rodents and to seal the home properly for future rodent invasion and breeding.