Frequently Asked Questions
What are “termites”?
Termites are often called the silent destroyer because they may be secretly hiding and thriving in your basement or attic without any immediate signs of damage.
While each termite species thrives in different climates and eats different types of food, all termites require four things to survive – food, moisture, shelter and optimal temperature. Unfortunately, all homes, regardless of their construction type, can provide these ideal conditions for termite infestation.
Termites are one of the rare insect species that live incolonies consisting of an equal number of males and females, even in the soldier caste.
Approximately 2,300 species of termites are known to exist on earth.
While a serious threat to wooden structures, termites are also beneficial. Their ability to digest cellulose helps these insects recycle the nutrient base of the planet.
Termites have existed for approximately 250 million years.
In recorded history, termites have never developed resistance to any type of pesticide. Termites’ survival is due in part to the queen’s “royal taster system,” in which the colony’s workers taste and process all food before it is fed to the queen.
Termite workers and soldiers are blind, which means they rely on their sense of touch and chemical signals to help them locate food, moisture and shelter.
These termites are about almost and inch to 1 ½ inch in length and do not dwell in the ground, but rather in wood with 12% moisture or less. Generally September and October are popular seasons for drywood termites. These termites occupy drywood and exposed wood. They are also keen to occupying cracks and crevices for colonization. It is important for commercial businesses to report any termite sightings to management for immediate treatment repairs.
Just as the name suggests, drywood termites live in dry wood. Unlike many other termite species, they do not need contact with the soil to survive. This termite species can tolerate dry conditions for long periods of time, since it receives all moisture it needs from the wood it consumes and the metabolism it uses to digest the wood.
Drywood termites commonly target the wood in your home’s structural timbers, framing, furniture and hardwood flooring. Wood consumed by drywood termites appears very clean and smooth – as if the wood had been smoothed by sand paper.
Drywood termites can infest several different areas in your home, forming separate colonies in your basement, attic or porch. They are usually found inwarmer climates that do not reach freezing temperatures in the winter. However, this species of termite can survive in northern climates in homes with air conditioning.
These termites are about 3/8 inch in length and generally found in Western states of America. They generally dwell in the ground and worker termites dig up the mud tubes of wood to search for food. Do not mistake these termites for ants as they are somehow perceived as such with first glance. Vigilance is key in prevention.
Subterranean termites live in the soil underground. This termite species prefers to eat soft, spring wood fiber, which means wood damaged by subterranean termites has a honeycombed appearance, with only the grain left behind.
Unlike drywood termite colonies, subterranean termite colonies can contain thousands of workers. Subterranean termites are found in every state in the U.S., except Alaska. Subterranean termite infestations are most common in warmer climates, particularly in southern and southeastern states.
Swarmers from mature colonies typically leave the nest at one of two times per year – during the spring or during the fall. The exact timing of the swarms varies based on the species and weather conditions. Swarms on the exterior of a home may be missed by homeowners, as they are typically a brief event during the morning or afternoon – a time when many people are not at home. Formosan termites also can swarm at dusk.
What are Swarmer Termites?
Swarmer termites are winged termites, but are not able to fly well. During certain seasons, these termites may take flight and colonize a new soil dwelling. Then these termites will mate and birth worker termites. These types are the most popular termites you may find in any home or business.
What Do They Look Like?
Swarmer termites have four wings and a broad body. They are 3/8 of an inch long and vary in colors from brown to black.
Why they are Dangerous.
Swarms of these termites are first indications that they are damaging property. It is important to treat these areas before more damage occurs.
Termite colonies generally need about five years to colonize before they can commit serious damage to properties. If not treated, termites can damage floors and roofs to collapse. This is why treatment needs to be detected early.
Signs of damage are indications of tubes within the wood. Sometimes mud tubes are characteristics of termite dwellings leading to the soil.
Termites may bite and sting but aren’t exactly dangerous to our health. They don’t carry harmful diseases to humans or pets, however they can cause painful stings and/or allergic reactions when bitten. It is also known that termites can cause as asthma attacks for those who are prone. The real threat from termites lies within your home. The destruction they can cause to your home can be more than just expensive. In a matter of a few years they can tear down the interior structure of your home and cost up to tens of thousands of dollars in wood repair. These termites can sometimes go undetected so at the first sign of a termite, you should definitely get an inspection performed to save yourself from the possibility of a termite colony growing within the interior of our home.
The cost of termite control can be quite expensive. The cost of termite control highly depends on the severity of the termite infestation. During the inspection the technician will see how far the infestation has spread within your home and how deeply the infestation is rooted. If termites are located in just certain parts of your home, they will perform “Spot Treatment” which is considerably inexpensive. The average cost of spot treatment can be anywhere from $100 – $300 depending on how many different places the termites are located. If the severity of your infestation is serious and has spread throughout your home, the inspector will suggest that you get a termite fumigation also known as “tenting”. This is when they tent your home and use chemicals to rid the termites within your home. The cost of a termite fumigation is expensive. There are several different methods and/or chemicals that can be used which does affect the cost of the price. There is also the square footage of your home which would also be a huge factor. In all, the average cost of a fumigation can range anywhere from $1,500 up to $3,000.
Depending on the severity of the termite infestation you could possibly take care of it on your own. Purchasing over the counter products to rid termites can work, but isn’t recommended. You should know what you are doing when dealing with these harmful chemicals. More importantly, because the detection of termites is so difficult, you can possibly take care of the infestation in one area of your home, but easily skip other places within your home where the infestation lies. You may think that you saved a lot of money by doing this on your own, but in the end, you can possibly end up paying much more due to wood repairs and then paying a termite company to fully rid all termites within your home. Termite infestations can grow rapidly so taking care of if the right way the first time is only an investment for the future.
One of the most common ways termites get in your home is through wood-to-ground contact. This includes door frames, deck posts, and porch steps which are the best entries and gateways for termites. Subterranean termites also enter homes through cracks in the foundation and cracks in brick mortar.
The reason termites come into peoples homes is because they need to feed. Termites thrive off of moisture and heat, and feed off of wood. This is why termites appear when the weather tends to get a bit warmer, and are attracted to areas where they maybe excessive water and moisture. Such places can be near pools where there are puddles of water close to the foundation, near the Air Conditioner where puddles of water may form, and also areas around the home where it may still be damp from the winter rains.
You technically wont know if you have termites until you actually see them. There really is no real way to know if you have termites until you physically see these pests. They are known as the silent killers as they can arise into your home out of nowhere. Termites come out during the spring and early summer as the weather gets warmer. They need to feed and reproduce so there is a high chance you may see these pests if you have a home made of wood and live in areas where it may be damp.